June 2024 issue WU211

Activities in What’s Up
• Contest: Think Before You Act – page 17

Activities at ideas.whatsup.sg

Small island nations need extra help to survive climate change (page 1, 28)

Last month, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) held their fourth meeting, SIDS4 to discuss pressing issues such as global warming. Meanwhile, “Indonesia’s capital will move from Jakarta to Nusantara” (page 8) as a response to rising sea levels. Global warming is also evident as “Extreme heat disrupts daily life in Asia” (page 10).

Extreme Heat: Ways to Cope For English & Science, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Individual. To read for information and ideas. Based on the What’s Up story, students fill a table about how people coped with heatwaves. They then watch a video to get more ideas for personally coping with heat. ⭐

The quest for lunar water (page 16–17)

Exciting technological developments such as lunar vehicles are enabling lunar exploration. Then, we go back a century to salute the first link to Malaysia because “The Causeway is 100”! (page 14-15). Meanwhile, “The man who saved a forest” (page 7) shows us the power of human bridges uniting communities to save a forest in India. 

Lunar Crossword (online)– For English, level 1
Individual exercise. To engage more deeply in the story. Puzzle of 20 words with easy clues. ⭐

Lunar Equipment Match-Up For English & Science, level 1 DOWNLOAD
Individual. To grow space vocabulary. The student (1) matches the names of six types of lunar equipment with their purposes (2) constructs three sentences mentioning any four of them. ⭐

The Olympics are coming! (page 24–25)

Big countries are big winners, but small countries can triumph too” (page 24) offers hope to all countries. “Running fast: nature and nurture” explains why some people run faster than others. “Lighting the way to the Paris Olympics” (page 26–27) takes a closer look at the Olympic torch relay and its history. Meanwhile, other regular events are still going on — for example “Formula 1 zips through Monaco” (page 27).

Synthesis and Transformation For English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Individual. To practise restructuring sentences. Students form 10 compound sentences from simple sentences using the given connecting words. ⭐

New ideas help a Nepalese village (page 6)

Efforts here are improving food security in novel ways. “Hyenas are welcome in the city of Harar” (page 19) tells us why the people of Harar are friends with these fearsome predators. “Jane Goodall’s happy doggie birthday” (page 20) lends itself to sharing about Dr Goodall’s research and conservation efforts.  

Biography Research – For English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To draw inspiration by creating biographical sketches. Students fills a biography organiser of Jane Goodall based on the What’s Up story (2) construct a biographical sketch of another famous person (3) present the latter to the class. ⭐

Cloze passage: Foxes in Japanese Culture – For English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Individual. To become more aware of multiple perspectives of wildlife. Students complete a 12-gap cloze passage about foxes and their place in Japanese folklore. ⭐

Plane-maker Boeing faces investigation after accidents (page 11)

After a series of mishaps, authorities are investigating Boeing’s integrity in quality control. “Volkswagen: another scandal” also made the news when there were shocking cover-up efforts on its equipment.

Venn Diagrams: Boeing vs Volkswagen Mistakes – For Math & Science, level 3 DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To compare and contrast two companies’ experiences of mistakes. Each group follows instructions to (1) create two Venn diagrams displaying the similarities and differences in the responses, and outcomes of each case (2) presents the diagrams (3) discusses findings with the help of prompts related to corporate responsibility. ⭐

Different ways to serve food in schools (page 23)

Local schools are turning to alternative ways of providing food for students during recess and lunchtime. Side bar “School lunches in other countries”.

Nutritious School Lunches – For Food and Nutrition & Art, level 2  DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To better understand what makes a nutritious meal. Each pair (1) fills in a graphic organiser about the components of a balanced meal (2) designs a healthier version of their favourite meal (3) creates an attractive flyer about it (4) shares it with the class.

Storytellers who help spread the love of reading (page 18)

In rural Pakistan, mobile libraries and storytelling stations are bringing storytelling and books to to eager children. There are even “Camel libraries” (page 18) there. “Tee & Boba” (page 28) are avid readers too, and they turn to a book on mindfulness as they explore its application.  

Reading Stories Aloud – For English, level 2  DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To enjoy reading to others. Students (1) complete two tables on the benefits of storytelling to the children of Lyari as well as the storyteller (2) take turns to read aloud short stories to their group who gives feedback (3) conduct a story reading session with small groups of younger students at school. ⭐

Nature Mandalas – For Art & Science, level 2  DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To mindfully explore nature art. After watching a video, each group creates a unique mandala using natural materials. They are reminded to work quietly, pay attention to their breathing and the patterns they are creating together. Reflective prompts follow.

Ground Yourself with 5-4-3-2-1 – For English & CCE, level 2  DOWNLOAD
Whole class. To experience a common mindfulness activity. After an introduction to the concept of mindfulness, the class follows a video to try out the 5-4-3-2-1 Calming Method.  Individually, each writes a brief description of the experience and responds to reflective questions.

⭐ Answers to these activities will be emailed to teachers on the IDEAS mailing list. To join the mailing list, please email your name, designation, and school to ideas@whatsup.sg.