June 2019 issue

A severe drought in Australia caused this lake to shrink to a fraction of its original size. Photo by Tim J Keegan.

This month’s IDEAS activities

Is Earth getting hotter? (page 10)

Scientist Richard Hodgkins explains climate change and highlights the effects that are already here. He ends on a hopeful note, reminding us that we can still change the future for the better.

Poster: Climate Change – For English & Art, level 2 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To use art to convey a social message. Students work in pairs to create a poster about climate change and its effects.

What’s the Opposite? – For English, level 1 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To practise using antonyms. A gap-fill exercise to provide antonyms of words from the article. 

Global Warming – How Bad Is It Really? – For CCE, Science, level 2 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To better understand global warming. From given descriptions, students unscramble words to discover some effects of global warming. Followed by a reflection. 

Different ways of seeing (page 12–13)

A photo essay of six spectacular images showing that beauty can be shaped by the angles from which we look at things.

Out of the Box – For Art, level 2 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To develop creativity. Students work in pairs to take pictures of everyday objects in creative ways. Cameras or camera-phones will be needed for this activity.

Looking Long Enough – For Art & CCE, level 1 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To appreciate the value of spending time when looking at visual art. Students compare and contrast what they see in four seconds and in four minutes. ?

The bank that helps students save money by recycling trash (page 14)

A seven-year-old Peruvian, José Adolfo Quisocala, started a bank in 2012. Seven years later, the Bartselana Student Bank is proving that his brilliant idea is working. An inspiring read.

What Numbers Reveal – For Math & CCE, level 1 – DOWNLOAD
Individual. To appreciate the stories that numbers tell. Problems based on arithmetic, ratios, and fractions. Followed by a reflection on Jose’s contribution to society. 

To Infinity and Beyond – For English, level 1 – DOWNLOAD
Individual. To learn more about the “to-infinitive” verb form. Students identify examples of the “to-infinitive” in the article and then form their own sentences with them. 

Help all kids feel they belong (page 15)

About hidden biases and cultural blind spots that can creep into events such as Racial Harmony Day celebrations. Side bar “A sense of self” explains that aspect of identity development. ?

A Closer Look at Biases – For CCE, level 3 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To increase awareness of racial biases. Students add two anecdotes to the given three to: (i) speculate about likely biases (ii) suggest ways to eliminate them. ?

Inclusive Artwork in Singapore – For CCE & Art, level 3 – DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To better understand the impact of images. (1) Student respond to three questions relating to the article’s illustration. (2) Each group presents a sampler of the most inclusive artwork they found that reflects the spirit of multicultural Singapore. ?

Singapore’s Istana turns 150 (page 18)

A look at what is so special about this grand, 150-year-old palace.

The Istana Online – For English & CCE, level 3 – DOWNLOAD
Individual. To experience navigating a website for specific information. Students answer comprehension questions based on the Istana website.

Malay art form gets applause on the world stage (page 19)

All about Dondang Sayang, the traditional Malay performing art form that has now been recognised by UNESCO as part of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. ?

Mime Time – For Music & PE, level 2 – DOWNLOAD
Whole class. To experience using only nonverbal language and whole-body movements to communicate. A relaxing game of charades where teams enact the performing arts. ?

Demystifying Differences – For CCE & Social Studies, level 2 – DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To deepen understandings and appreciation of cultural diversity. An exercise in fact finding about traditional performing art forms that are alive and well in Singapore. ?

 Answers to these activities will be emailed to teachers on the IDEAS mailing list. To join the mailing list, please email your name, designation and school to ideas@whatsup.sg.
? A Racial Harmony Day resource.