October 2023 issue WU205

Activities in What’s Up
• Contest: Weighing the Pros and Cons – page 19
• Fallen Letters Puzzle – page 21

Activities at ideas.whatsup.sg

WHAT HAPPENED TO … (page 6-8)

This being the final 2023 issue, we turn back to some of our earlier stories for updates. Then, “Untrue!” (Page 20–24) shifts gears to debunk big myths that have been going around.      

Debunking Myths Crossword (online) – For English, Level 1
Individual exercise. To demonstrate reading with understanding. Puzzle of 20 words with easy clues. ⭐

RIVER CLEAN-UP (page 10-11)

France has cleaned up the Seine well enough to soon allow swimming in it. Side bar “Cleaning up the Singapore River” shares our local efforts while “Not safe to swim” explains why clean rivers may still be dangerous. Going a step further, “ABC Waters” aims for our waterways to be more than clean and green.     

Idioms Big and SmallFor English, level 1 DOWNLOAD
Individual exercise. To explore the use of idioms that use size. The student guesses the meanings of eight idioms, completes a gap-fill passage, and constructs sentences using the idioms. ⭐ 

Leisure cum Clean UpFor English and CCE, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To experience developing dual-purpose plans. Students identify ways that the Singapore River and River Seine have been cleaned up. After brainstorming ideas, they write a memo to propose a leisure activity that can double up further to clean and beautify the Singapore River.  


Starting with K-pop not always being Korean, we take you on a global tour of other types of music that have evolved. Side bar “Music’s universal appeal” introduces three groups that have been successful with fusion music. 

Uniquely K-pop or Not?For English and CCE, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Group exercise. To look for uniqueness as well as commonalities. Students list qualities associated with familiar K-pop bands and complete a Venn diagram to display characteristics that are uniquely K-pop, uniquely non-K-pop, and those common to both. Instructions explain what it means to agree to disagree.  

Exploring Music FusionFor English and Music, level 3 DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To enjoy and attempt creating fusion music. Students (1) respond to two videos where different music genres come together (2) use a given planner to compose their own song with fusion music (3) share their ideas with (or perform for) the class.


The story of Liter of Light, a global movement that started in the Philippines by teaching rural people in poverty to make their own solar lamps and even become solar engineers. While not as newsworthy, the humble toothbrush is also quite an innovation, as “My stuff: Toothbrush” (page 13) bears out. 

Before and AfterFor English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Individual work. To improve reading comprehension and making inferences. After watching a video about the Liter of Light programme, the student fills a Before-and-After solar lighting table and infers what life might have been before and is now at the solar-lit villages..

Entrepreneurship 101For English and Social Studies, level 3 DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To apply creative project planning skills. By responding to prompts, each group develops a basic business plan for the making and selling of solar lamps.

Keeping Teeth Clean — For English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To practice thoughtful decision making. After a simple matching of indigenous tooth-cleaning methods with cultures, groups discuss the pros and cons of (i) using three of the tooth cleaners and (ii) whether the teeth-brushing campaign should be re-introduced in their school. In each case, students then articulate their preferences.


A look at how professional cycling is trying to become more popular with its fans.   

Cycling CommentaryFor English & PE, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Pairwork. To better appreciate sportsmanship and enjoy role playing a sports commentator. After watching a video of a racer slowing down to be kind to a fan, students list the virtues of sportsmanship. Next, they develop a script and enact giving a live commentary of an exciting cycling race.


In Ladakh’s Sham Valley, local people are coming together to help snow leopards which, until recently, were targets of “revenge killing” by the villagers. In another world, the lovable hamsters Tee and Boba (page 28) now have pets of their own — aphids — only to discover hidden costs.

Cloze passage: Ant-aphid Symbiosis – For English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Individual. To learn more about a symbiotic relationship. With clues provided, by completing a simple cloze passage, students learn about the mutually beneficial relationship between ants and aphids. 

Know the Hidden Costs! – For Social Studies & Science, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Groupwork. To be more aware of hidden costs when making decisions about activities and purchases. Each group (1) responds to a video about the hidden costs of eating beef and chicken (2) selects a focus item from the given menu and develops an infographic of the hidden costs of that activity/purchase.

Pawsitive Pets – For CCE & English, level 2 DOWNLOAD
Individual. To exercise curiosity and open mindedness about different ideas. The student watches a video, completes a gap-fill passage, reads an article, and fills an infographic to reflect on, in turn, the value of (1) pet therapy (2) artificial pets such as mango pits (3) imaginary pets. 

⭐ Answers to these activities will be emailed to teachers on the IDEAS mailing list. To join the mailing list, please email your name, designation, and school to ideas@whatsup.sg.